February 14, 2024
Over the years, the Soulflowers have lovingly helped me to understand change to be the natural order of things. They have helped me to trust completely in the inherent intelligence of Nature and the necessity of all the seasons to support life, sustainably.
We are cyclical beings. Life (life force energy) is never lost—it is only constantly changed, transformed.
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December 15, 2023
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“All suffering comes from resistance to the truth of who you are. All suffering comes from resistance to What Is.” Milk Thistle adds.
Let that truth bomb sink in.
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November 17, 2023
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This is my work—growing my response ability to the world around me—so that I can contribute and support the whole from a place rooted in wisdom, love and unity consciousness, rather than from a place of reaction, guilt and unexpressed pain. Having a place of sanctuary and calm within may make all the difference for peace to prevail in the world
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October 12, 2023
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In order to maintain strong boundaries then we have to constantly tap into what we are feeling and the stories we tell ourselves to explain our feelings. Shame and fear are energies that close our hearts. Gratitude and grief however are transformational energies that open our hearts to life and to all that we are.
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September 21, 2023
We are constantly judging and evaluating who belongs and who doesn’t on this polarity planet. Who is worthy or acceptable or successful, and who isn’t? And this applies not only to humans but also to animals, insects and plants—everyone and everything. Good or bad?
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August 02, 2023
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Each flower is a mirror that reflects back at me something that I have forgotten, or something I need to remember, about my essential nature, my true Nature. All relationships are mirrors.
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July 14, 2023
Growth and understanding and change can not always be understood in material form, although we can perceive it more readily that way. Instead it is more of an inside job. It happens in the dark. In other words, growth is not necessarily just about getting bigger it can also be about feeling better. Feeling more like myself.
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June 20, 2023
It is painful, this letting go, but we all know growth is never comfortable. It takes so much e-motion, so much energy, to witness, break down and compost the material world of limitations and power over—to break down the existing paradigm—but we are doing it! One heart and soul at a time.
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May 18, 2023
If you can disconnect from everything that you identify as being you—your labels, your titles, your stories, your lineage, your personality traits, preferences, affiliations and habits—if you can disconnect for just a moment, you may allow yourself a glimpse of who you truly are.
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April 19, 2023
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As we create a new story for our lives we are having to relearn all the ways we move and engage with the world. And it takes so much courage to “be alive in the shatter”, to keep getting up after being knocked down over and over as the world and life as we have known it seemingly falls apart around us.
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March 25, 2023
When faced with taxing relationships, stressful situations, divisive social media, aggressive marketing, the frightening news, general annoyances and the seemingly endless barrage of life’s challenges and difficulties… How do you feel?
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May 28, 2022
I used to believe that all emotions on our polarity planet were rooted in either fear or love. My truth now is all there is is LOVE and that FEAR is an illusion created by our minds to keep us safe from feeling. Fear distorts the truth of who we are and what the world is, and obscures what Nature is always reflecting to me…which is LOVE.
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April 26, 2022
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If I crave or deeply desire to live in a world that is peaceful, loving and respectful of all life, I know that I have to include myself in that mix. And this journey, this experience of life is a practice after all—an ongoing re-membering of the truth that we are all our own experts, our own healers and every living soul is deeply connected.
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March 29, 2022
Forget-Me-Not (AWARENESS) reminds us that life is far more than what we can perceive with our physical senses alone. She helps us to expand our present moment awareness and connect us with our imagination which, I am slowly realizing, is quite possibly the “sense” that we humans use the most! Except that we are not AWARE of it!
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January 30, 2022
Nettle breaks down your ego. You can’t get too pushy with Nettle or she will sting! She humbles you. You have to move mindfully, with focused intention, and an open heart. And in your loving and tender and honest openness, she deeply nourishes and fortifies you—transforming you from the inside out.
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December 27, 2021
When we are inevitably faced with the scary, often painful, dark and mysterious, messy and uncontrollable world, faced with our failures, our shortcomings, our anger—when we are faced with LIFE ITSELF—perhaps we can also remember how to embody the light and infinite potential that we are also blessed with.
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November 29, 2021
Perceiving a different relationship with our bodies and our world. There is nothing like pain to help us understand what it means to be present and in this dense world of the physical, pain is a most powerful teacher. Have you seen the thorns on a Hawthorn tree?
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October 25, 2021
Is it possible that vibrancy can also look dull, exhausted, lifeless, even ill perhaps? Is it possible that vibrancy has very little to do with outer appearances and everything to do with inner vibrations?
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September 29, 2021
I am thinking about how life is such a gift, such a blessing, and far too short to be wasted worrying about when it will end! And so, in every precious moment I choose life. Life AND death. Grief AND joy. Dark AND light. Pain AND love. All of it. There is no end, just ever expanding consciousness.
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August 31, 2021
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Nettle teaches me so much about creating and holding sacred space for this work of becoming—for myself, for my loved ones, and for those I serve, as together we go through the uncomfortable process of growth and transformation.
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July 26, 2021
The deeply held belief of separation—from spirit, from our inner knowing, from the Earth and from each other—is quite possibly the root trauma that informs how we create and perpetuate our collective nightmare day after day, generation after generation.
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July 08, 2021
I think I am finally getting it!! Feeling it. EMBODYING flow. Allowing life to flow through me and express itself in new ways. Embracing new ways of doing things even without a clear plan and letting go of trying to control how life evolves and grows. Just like my plant spirit friends are always showing me.
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June 09, 2021
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Being busy, working hard, is seemingly a great way to convince ourselves that we are in control of our lives when, in truth, life is something that we have absolutely no control over! Even following my heart, engaging in my “heartswork,” my ego keeps trying to assert control by telling me there is more to do. And there is ALWAYS more we can do. I’m not arguing the truth of that, but what if we allow ourselves to live from a place of contentment where everything is done that needs to be done?
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April 28, 2021
Like the sun I stand in my power. I speak my truth. I connect with and stay in my body even when it hurts. I feel everything and I unconditionally accept and have compassion for it all. We are the children of Earth. Made of the Earth and illuminated by the Divine light of the Universe.
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